I've always wanted a dog, but my parents won let....my mom, she said, i can't even take care of myself, how in the world am i going to take care of me + dog....ok fine. I surrender....juz for the moment!! But yeah...lately, my neighbour has reared 2 doggies...have no idea what breed it is...but i've took some pics of it...so cute! although its not the type that I want...but still they're such a cutie!! especially the big one, its fun to play with, I think it likes to play with me too ^^....I like to make it jump....it sure is a good-jumper...it can jump so high...okay...I think both of them is a he....yeah a male...I don think peeps like to rear female....poor females.... Okay, here some pics of them....oh yeah, i've no idea...what they called....the big one called bibi or mimi (not sure), okay, i know u guys are laughing like hell, another one called mimi again....hope it called bibi...i'll find it out soon...i'll prove it to u guys tat mimi is not a pet's name!! okay, my friend punya neighbour punya cat also called mimi....damn >.<....probably they think mimi is a nice name to call and it sounds so sweet juz like me!! agree? heh~~xP Here some pictures!! ~~
Woo....another new year, hope is another great year for everyone... 4 more days till school reopen *sigh* so yeah, happy 2009.... may all your wishes come true....may u find your true love one....^^ for me, I will work hard for my future... so we can go Japan together...!!
1st motive was to exchange bloggies with my buddy.... Reasons: becoz this is the best way to get the most updated news from her...i hardly talk to her, she had been so busy with her school stuffs....nevertheless, she'll fly to canada in a few months later.... 2nd motive was to brush up my vocabs... Reasons: becoz I'm facing MUET tests....my biggest fear....make sure that i can get band 4 (at least) or band 5 for it....its the basic requirement for someone who wants to be a lawyer. I don have the confidence especially when it comes to SPEAKING.....!! 3rd motive(minor) juz wanna try out blogging....what is it like?
AHHHHHHH!! something nuts happened today!! the most embarrass thing ever (after 6 months of driving)!! today around 3.30p.m, I went out for lunch with my little bro. after we finished everything, we go back lah of coz. then i plan to loaf around the neighbourhood before we reach home. meanwhile, i was fooling around with my brota n i drove the car up to the end of the street and parked my car there (coz i wanna make him walk home)....mana tahu suddenly one car coming from the back parked beside me.....and i was stuck right between the drain and the car...panic liao...then 3 men jumping out from the car....3 uncles lah....me and bro still laughing in the car coz i was fooling around, manu tahu i got fool by others....then maybe they feel sry for me ([P/S]: they are the one who make me stuck, uh!)....and plus, I'm a newbie in driving....then they taught me how to 'escape'....phew....it was so embarrass....could u imagine, 3 uncles staring at u like a nut....i don even dare to look at them....all i wanted to do is to escape!! escape from this 'terrible tragedy'!! hahah....tragedy is abit too far lah...i know....I juz want u all to know how i felt... [P/S]:yeah...n my brota was hiding behind the seat....i don think those uncles can see him....THIS MEANS all eyes were on me!! uh HUHU......
This is my 1st post! Finally!! Ok, my english is sux, i'll switch to chinese. But my chinese isn't really good after all. hahah. cacat lah me. i'll campur campur k? mix and match!! hahah~ Depend on my mood lah... OK! Lets start! Yesterday I went KL with my friends, my besta friends, S4! I really had lotta fun although I was strain out!! Srry Winn for causing U some much troubles! I know I'm sui lah....still forcing u to go....when u r not feeling well...but without u, I think we could have been lost. KL=MAZE!! sumimasen.... [P/S:] But u should really inform me earlier....like one hour before....i reached liao, u baru telefon...I was like O_O Heres my story~~ Tu....tu...tu....(train) then reached KL liao....then tu....tu....tu....again to Times Square. Then reached liao...after that, and becoz all of us din have our breakfast in the morning....so we plan to take our meal 1st...u can't really enjoy things when your stomach is empty, rite ppl? when you walk, its like stepping on the clouds (that what ppl always say in chinese) (or this is what ppl use to describe those who wanna X_X liao de) which one? But I really feel like dying liao....so hungry....all I had was MILO and Kit Kat....then Winn's punya sista suggest us to go to a restaurant....din notice whats the restau called....hahah~~paiseh lah....i starved until no energy to open my eyes liao....and when we got there...the restau is closed....i mean not yet open lah....then one of us go ask the dude there, and he/she said they'll open at 12pm....wa.....need to wait another 30 mins more ah???? wanna pengsan liao~~then no choice liao...go shop 1st....*sleepy* to be continue...~~ (sleepy lah, sry lah, my 1st time blogging, dunno what to write~~woke up at 7 today....then went pasar with mom....coz she wanna buy some vege and meats for dinner....then today got bai lou bok (white carrots) soup....so long din drink this one liao....it got a strong smell...then i saw PT today but din say hi to her....coz it was so crowded (Sunday). it took me forever to get out from the crowd!! ahhh~i got knocked a few times somemore...ppl was pusing here and there.....haizz.....i din realiaze it was sun today...but the WAN TAN MEE there is nice....long time din go there and eat liao....a new experience lah~~)